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General Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Merriam-Webster is the leading dictionary and the first to define words using the evidence of their usage. This blog discusses the general definition and meaning of the following word - "conspiracy":


An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a group of words. They can be incredibly simple, like 'big' or 'short,' or more complex, like 'huge' or 'tough.' The simplest adjectives are single letters (e.g., big), while more complex adjectives can be multi-letter combinations (e.g., huge). To make an adjective formable into a proper noun (e.g., John's huge muscles), add -ed to the end of the adjective (hugely built John). So, in the end, adjectives are just a way to make words more descriptive and easier to remember. Keep this general definition and meaning in mind the next time you need to describe something, and you'll be good to go!


In the world of business, a title that is valuable and important is what stands out the most. This is why it's so important to have accurate and up-to-date information when it comes to titles. For example, a company may pay an author for the right to sell their book, which would be known as the title's publisher. Another example of a valuable title would be the bestseller by Paula Hawkins. This book has been selling extremely well, hence the reason it's on this list. So, what's the general definition and meaning of a title? It's a valuable and important piece of information that can help you make better business decisions. So, next time you're looking to buy or sell something, don't forget to consider the title!


Synonyms are important for two reasons: They help you improve your vocabulary and express yourself more effectively. To get the most out of them, look them up in the dictionary and use them in your writing to sound knowledgeable and intelligent. Be careful not to overuse them, though, as it can come across as pompous or insincere. Enjoy using synonyms to enrich your vocabulary and enrich your writing experience!

Example Sentences

General definitions and example sentences can come in handy when you're looking for a quick and easy reference. For instance, the general has ordered that martial law be declared in the city can be a general definition of the phrase. Conversely, the weather conditions today, school will be canceled in West Baltimore City can be an example sentence. Merriam-Webster also includes a wealth of other general definitions and example sentences, so be sure to check them out for further reference!

Word History

General has a variety of definitions, but at its core, it means something that is large or powerful. The word originated in French and was used to describe an officer who commanded all rather than just one section of an army. During the American Revolution, generals were very important because they led all of the armies fighting for independence from Britain. Today, general has come to refer to anything that is large or powerful - like a company, country, or idea! So, next time you hear someone use the word, know that you're getting a little more insight into its meaning. Thanks, Merriam-Webster!

Phrases Containing general

A general term often has a more general meaning than a specific term. This makes it easier to understand and use. For example, the phrase “everyone knows” has a broader meaning that “every person knows,” making it more versatile for use in conversation and writing. Phrases that contain general meanings often have less specific wording, which makes them easier to understand. For example, the phrase “everyone is entitled to their own opinion” is more general than the phrase “every person has a right to their own opinion,” which would be more specific. As you can see, using general terms can make your writing and conversation more effective and engaging. Give general terms a try in your next sentence or argument, and see how it affects the clarity and readability of your content.

Dictionary Entries Near general

General is a word that can have many different meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. In general, it refers to all of the members of a particular class or group, or to something that has the potential to effect a particular result. For example, medicine is meant to cure diseases, and this law is meant to protect children. To learn more about the meaning of general, and other similar dictionary entries, check out this list from Merriam-Webster.

Cite this Entry

When you want to describe somebody or something in a positive light, use the word "merry." This word has a broad definition that includes feelings of happiness and contentment. It can be used to describe people and things in the language. For example, you might say "He's really merry today." or "I'm feeling merry after my workout." Use this word when you want to say something good about somebody or something - they're really enjoying themselves!


Sharing is an important and beneficial act that can be done in a variety of ways. It can be done online, in person, and through gestures. In general, sharing is a kind act that benefits both the giver and receiver. When doing your part to share, be mindful of the effects your actions have on others - good or bad! By sharing information, ideas, or feelings, you're opening up a dialogue and building relationships. It's the perfect way to connect with others and make life a little bit easier. So, go ahead - share!

Kids Definition

Kids use the word "merry" to describe things that make them happy or content. A variation of the word is "mirthful." Both Merry and Mirthful have connections to happiness and joy, and are perfect for kids' definitions. In general, Merriam-Webster defines the word as follows: feeling happy or satisfied with what you have; having a good time. This makes it the perfect word to use in kids' definitions.


An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a verb. It can be used to describe the quality of something, or to modify a noun or verb. For example, the adjective 'blue' can be used to describe the color blue, or the adjective 'neutral' can be used to describe a person who is neutral in an argument or conflict. A noun is a word that refers to a particular thing, and a verb is a word that describes a particular action or state. For example, the noun 'dog' refers to a specific type of animal, and the verb 'walk' refers to the act of walking.


When it comes to the general definition and meaning of the word 'merriam-webster,' a person, company, or thing that is successful and admired is definitely what we're looking for. Something that provides entertainment or pleasure is also a great fit - as is an event that attracts people to a particular place. For the most part, merriam-webster defines 'merriam-webster' as a singular large group of things. So, whether you're looking to describe your boss, your crush, or your favorite team, the word 'merriam-webster' can definitely help.

Medical Definition

Medical definitions can be complex, but that's what makes them so interesting! In this blog post, we'll be discussing the general definition and meaning of the term "medical." As it turns out, medical has a lot to do with the body and its functions. It also has a lot to do with the science of medicine. For instance, the general definition of the term "medical" is "relating to the body or its functions, especially as a science." This means that medical terms can be used to describe anything from the structure and function of the body to the practice of medicine itself. Next, we'll be discussing the medical definition for the term "cancer." Cancer refers to many different diseases, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia. The cause of most cancers is not known but may include environmental factors and lifestyle choices. Finally, we'll be discussing the meaning of the term "cancer." Cancer refers to a disease that begins in cells in the body and can spread to other


An adjective is a word that describes a noun. It is a word that shows the quality of being capable of doing good or being useful. For example, the word 'friendly' is an adjective that describes the noun 'person.' It means the person is kind and easy to get along with. Adjectives can also describe events, situations, or people. For example, the adjective 'fortunate' describes the event of a person winning a lottery. The adjective 'happy' describes the situation of a person who is content and satisfied. Adjectives can also describe things that belong to a particular class or type. For example, the adjective 'snowy' describes the type of snow.

Legal Definition

When it comes to legal definitions, you need to go the extra mile in order to understand the topic at hand. This is because a legal definition includes the specific language used to describe an event or thing. Additionally, it can include any other relevant information needed to understand the topic. For example, if you're looking for the definition of 'assault,' a legal definition would include the specific details of the crime, like the date, time, and place of the assault. In order to find the right legal definition for the term 'assault,' use Merriam-Webster as your reference source. We guarantee you won't be disappointed!


In this blog, we've provided a general definition and meaning of the word 'merriam-webster'. Additionally, we've included synonyms and example sentences to help you better understand the word. Finally, we've provided a medical and legal definition for the word 'merriam-webster'. Thank you for reading!

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