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Lyft to lay off 683 employees in cost-cutting push

Tech companies are ceasing hiring and layoffs are becoming increasingly common. The layoff trend has been gaining momentum in recent years, with tech companies facing increased competition and big cuts in funding. However, not all layoffs are the same - some companies are making cuts through layoffs while others are cutting jobs by automating them. In the case of Lyft, 683 employees will be laid off in a cost-cutting move. This is just the latest tech company to make such cuts and it's likely that the trend will continue for the next few years. So if you're looking for a job in tech, keep an eye out for upcoming layoffs - you may just get lucky!

Key takeaways

Lyft is cutting 683 jobs in cost-cutting moves, according to the company. These layoffs will impact marketing, engineering, and other functions across the company. The move follows losses of $740 million over the past two years - a steep decline for Lyft's business model. Many employees affected by these cuts have already been notified and given severance packages or job placement assistance. While the layoffs will impact many employees, Lyft is still hiring in other areas of its business. So, while these layoffs will undoubtedly have a negative effect on many people, they're not the end of the story for Lyft.

Lyft layoffs

Lyft is cutting 683 jobs in a cost-cutting move, according to the Wall Street Journal. The layoffs will affect employees across the company, from drivers to engineers and product managers. This move comes as Lyft faces increased competition from Uber and other rivals. The layoffs are expected to save the company about $90 million by 2020.

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Job cuts are never a good thing, and unfortunately, Lyft is no exception to this rule. In an effort to save money, the company is cutting 683 jobs - most of which will impact employees in various departments. If you're one of the unlucky ones affected by these layoffs, don't despair! The company isn't just going to abandon you - they've actually offered affected employees the opportunity to apply for other positions within Lyft. This might not be ideal news if you're looking for stability and security during your time of Transition but on the bright side: it gives you plenty of job options should things not work out as planned with Lyft. And finally... travel insurance! A must-have before every trip no matter what!

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Lyft is cutting 683 jobs in a cost-cutting move. The layoffs will impact both its drivers and corporate employees. The company is hoping to save $12 million by the end of the year. Covid-19 travel insurance plans are a good way to protect yourself if you are affected by these layoffs.

Stripe layoffs

Lyft is laying off 683 employees, or about 5 percent of its workforce, in a cost-cutting push. The cuts are across all departments and locations and will impact both driver pay and office staffing levels. Lyft has been trying to find ways to reduce costs while also growing its business. The layoffs are expected to be complete by the end of September 2020.

Twitter layoffs

Lyft is cutting 683 jobs in a cost-cutting drive. These layoffs are affecting both the company's ride-sharing and marketing divisions. Lyft stated that it will "focus on areas with higher potential." The affected employees were notified of their layoffs via email and phone call this morning (September 12th).

Barclays layoffs

Lyft is laying off 683 employees in a cost-cutting push. The company said the cuts are necessary to remain profitable and continue growing. The layoffs will impact both its US and global workforce. Lyft plans to use the savings from the layoffs to fuel its growth in other areas, such as new business models and product development.

Salesforce layoffs

With Salesforce continuing to grapple with weak investor sentiment and slowing revenue growth rates, it's no wonder they're cutting 683 jobs across the board. This move will affect employees across all departments, with the majority affecting sales and marketing roles. The layoffs come just days after rival Uber announced it was laying off hundreds of workers in its own cost-cutting drive. While these layoffs may be difficult for those affected, it's important to remember that companies like Salesforce are still fighting for their lives. They're making tough choices in order to stay afloat and continue to offer value to their customers.

Citigroup layoffs

2017 is going to be a tough year for many companies. From tech startups to large corporations, there is going to be a lot of layoffs and cuts to the workforce. Citigroup is no exception, as they are cutting 683 jobs in a round of cost-cutting measures. This includes layoffs at companies like Lyft, which means that riders may experience longer wait times and fewer trips. In a time when the job market is still tight, these types of cost-saving measures are becoming more and more common across industries. So, be prepared for them in 2017!

Meta layoffs

Lyft is cutting 683 jobs globally in an effort to reduce costs and improve its financial performance. The majority of the layoffs - 629 - are coming from its San Francisco office. The company says it'll be investing more money into marketing and propelling growth for future years. Employees affected by the layoffs can apply for other roles within Lyft or on a voluntary basis. This meta-layoff is just the latest in a string of tech-based layoffs, and it's likely to have a negative impact on the tech community as a whole. This is especially true considering that Lyft is a company that relies heavily on tech talent.

What’s with all the layoffs?

Lyft is cutting 683 jobs in a cost-cutting push, according to company spokesperson Chelsea Wilson. The layoffs will hit all levels of the company - from drivers to corporate staffers. This move comes as Lyft faces increasing competition from Uber and other ride-sharing companies. Some employees are worried about how this will affect their career prospects moving forward.

Get ahead of layoffs trends with artificial intelligence

Laying off employees is a common trend in the business world, but it's not the only option. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), companies can avoid layoffs by automating tasks that employees do repetitively. This saves time and money for businesses, while also keeping employees happy and engaged with their work. Make sure to investigate AI options if you're concerned about potential layoffs in your company or field of employment. It's a smart move that can put you in a strong position to avoid cuts in the future.


Layoffs are still happening, and companies are struggling to cope with the economic downturn. However, no company is immune - no matter how big or small. In fact, layoffs have even hit some of the tech industry's biggest names, such as Lyft and Stripe. This blog explores the different layoffs that have taken place recently, as well as some key takeaways that can help you get ahead of the trend. Make sure you stay updated on all the latest layoffs by subscribing to our newsletter!

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